Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Garden

Well everyone we now have a garden. I really wish that I took pictures from the very beginning because it looks a little different now. The area was covered with weeds and very hard dirt. We just went to town on it on Monday, and after that I was sooo sore. Then we finished it up yesterday. Although we had some more room so I am going to go get a few more plants today. We found a lot of interesting things while digging. Drew found a piece of foundation that he dug up with his pick-axe (I think he felt pretty manly), along with nails, kids toys, doll clothing, etc..
We got a few different veggies, so we hope they turn out right. We also got one pumpkin that says it could be 500 pounds! We joke about that because we know that's not true. Anyway, I am now a fan of gardening.

p.s. Teaching is the best.... summers off.... livin it up.


Lauren said...

Looks great!!! I wish I had summers off... and continued getting paid. Fun! Are you still in the 11th Stake??

Goose said...

Let me just tell you about that piece of foundation. It was heavy and large. the picture doesn't do it justice. I concluded that only a real man could have reamoved it from the earth. I have also enjoyed getting the garden ready. Now I hope that we get something our of it.

Danalin said...

I sure hope Provo doesn't have any SLUGS...if it does then your garden is TOAST! (All bitter feelings stem from our gardening experience last year. I apologize.) Looks like a great garden. Very amusing all of the stuff that you found! I am SO excited to see you guys next week!

P.S.- Last week Max heard something about Africa and was talking about it later that day. I then told him that Uncle Drew went on his mission to Africa. Later on he said, "Max go to Africa someday...(bit of a pause)like Uncle Drew!" And, yes, my son does talk in the third person often. :)

Milmonster said...

Great garden guys! You should come give us some pointers.
Tell the Goose that my cousin is going to Ghana on Saturday for seven weeks! He will be jealous.

Chelsea Ellingson said...

Hooray! Oh man, I didn't realize how much I missed you guys until I saw your pictures. Your house is amazing!!! SO jealous- I wish we lived in a-...oh wait, we do live in a house, I forgot. Ha ha. :-) I'm so glad that I have a connection to your world now, even if it is through blogging.

Dad said...

Hey, you two ought to get a recording of "The Garden Song". It goes something like this:

Inch by inch,
Row by Row,
I'm gonna make my garden grow,
All it takes is a rake and hoe,

Remember to water a lot, weed a lot and pull your suckers and you are going to do good with the tomatoes.

Goose, how are you going to move a 500 Lb. pumpkin? You're going to need a bigger truck.

Gardening is a lot of fun, especially when you actually get something out of it.

Good luck.
