Drew had his white coat ceremony today. It signifies him beginning patient care. He will actually be working on people! Crazy. I am so proud of him and how well he balances his life. I know most of you probably feel this way about your spouse but I just feel like I will never be able to adequately express how much I love, appreciate and respect him. I really just feel like I won the jack pot with this one. He really amazes me. You're the best Hubs!
Here he is getting his coat.
Thanks, I love my girls!!!!!
Way cool! You forgot to invite us though... me oh well, maybe someday we will meet Drew's friends, or maybe we won't... Sounds like they leave sometimes... No pictures of our friend (you know the one I'm talking about)
Congrats Foster family! Melanie is so adorable by the way!! :) So... about his friend Nate in the picture... I don't know him personally, but I am almost positive he is dating a girl I grew up with. (Kelly) If you haven't met her, you need to. If you have, you are very lucky! I'm happy for your sweet family!
You guys are pretty cute! Drew's white coat looks a lot nicer than the one Adam got:)
Congratulations Drew! We're proud of you. Let us know when we can start getting our teeth checked out by Dr. Foster. Melanie is a sweet addition to your family, hope we get to meet her.
Congrats! Drew is a good man and always has been one of my examples.
Oh my she is cute cute cute! And you look great Kristen! Say hi to Zach for me! He used to work for my dad and we went to High School together!
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