Thursday, August 02, 2012

Not The Plan

So there has been a little shift in "the plan." And really this was just my plan; which was to have two babies head down delivered vaginally and that they would be around the same weight. Everything is fine, I just went to the doctor today and we decided that I will have a c-section on Wednesday (10:30 a.m. to be exact). Baby A has kind of dropped off with her weight gain. She is just a small babe I guess. The blood flow was fine, and she is still growing, but she is just not as big as her twin sister. Baby A is around 5 pounds, and baby B is around 7 pounds. I thought baby A would be bigger than that, so I was a bit surprised. Then the doctor told me that baby B was now breech. So... I would have gone for a vaginal delivery even though baby b was breech, but now there is more than a 25% difference in weight between them, which increases the risks of vaginal delivery big time. The doctor let me choose, but he really thinks I should have a c-section, and I am with him. The risk of having one vaginally and then one c-section, or serious complications with baby B just did not sit well with me.
I am ok with it now, but I will say I cried first when he told me she was 5 pounds and then when he said baby B was breech. It just tore my whole plan apart. Luckily Drew was there, so I didn't feel so stupid.
The more I think about it the more I really am just fine with it. In fact kind of relieved and happy to plan it. When you have to shift your thinking or change your plans it can be hard. I have decided that I am just goin with the flow now. Obviously nothing is in my hands. First of all, we didn't "plan" on having twins, and I had to shift my thinking and now how they will get here is different than what I thought. And I am sure much much more will be different than what I thought. The key is to look at the positives ALWAYS! Because isn't that the best way to live? I am glad that they will be 37 weeks and not considered premature, I am glad that there will be less risks, I am glad that I can get everything ready and there is no rush to the hospital, I am glad that so far the babies are doing well, I am glad that it's a planned c-section and not an emergency one (which I have heard is a much easier recovery), and I am glad that I don't need to worry because no matter what, Heavenly Father is in charge, and so my will is His will. So hopefully I don't go into labor before Wednesday, but... if I do then everything will work out fine as well.


Jessica said...

Thinking about you! I can't believe you will get to meet your girls so soon! I know how your feeling about change of plans! My delivery didn't go anything as I had planned! It took me a few days to not feel so sad about it and be okay with how things had to go :) I know you will have a safe delivery!

Jena said...

And you will have your babies Wednesday! Yay, Yay, Yay! I guess I will have to take the August heat alone :) Can't wait to see them!

Chelsea Ellingson said...

Your thoughts through all of this and positivity have been touching to me, thank you for sharing! Reminds me there is always a reason to be optomistic. Good luck with the delivery and post lots of pictures! You are amazing!

Justin and Sara Smutz said...

We had planned for a natural birth with Caden but he was was breech:(It's tough when your plan changes! Keep the positive attitude - all that really matters is healthy Mama and healthy babies! Praying for you this week:)!

Jandi said...

Way to think positive! It would be nice knowing exactly what day and time you get to meet those precious girls. We'll keep you in our prayers this week and please call if you need anything...

Kristal said...

Its tough when delivery plans don't go according to plan like that good luck and God Bless. Oh, and why no recent belly photo?

kim cherry said...

it's always hard when a wrench is thrown into your plans. your attitude is wonderful though!! it's true, heavenly father knows you and your's all in HIS plan! ;)
i am here for you, call me.


Way to stay positive! We'll be thinking and praying for you. Can't wait to meet the two little angels! :)

Jennifer Christiansen said...

How exciting! Will be thinking about you!!!