Wednesday, June 20, 2012

30 Weeks

Well I am now 30 weeks. I need to make it at least another 5 weeks. It's crazy that I really have no idea how much longer I have. Most twins are delivered between 35 and 36 weeks. But you can go all the way until 38 weeks. Now if you look at this picture you can tell that I pretty much look full term. Well that's because I have a total of 6 pounds 10 oz of baby inside of me. Baby A is 3 lbs, and Baby B is 3 lbs 10 oz. Baby B is the chunker. She is 67th percentile in weight right now. Baby A is about 19th percentile. It is just fine that they are different, but I do feel a little bit bad for Baby A, and for me. My doctor said if I made it to about 37 weeks they would probably be about 7 1/2 pounds and 6 1/2 pounds. Which would be awesome!! Two healthy babies. And that really is what I ultimately want. But then I think hold on that is almost 14 pounds of baby. Can my body actually hold that? I just imagine Kate (from Kate plus 8) all saran wrapped and huge. But I guess she had 4 more babies than I do. I am happy that they are doing well, and I think a big reason is because I have gained a significant amount of weight already. This is where I have the two voices... the "mom" voice saying great job keep up the weight gain. And then the "woman" voice saying oh my goodness your body is going to be a disaster. I don't know if I will be able to avoid stretch marks this time around, but that's ok. I just keep telling myself I really won't care a year from now, and hopefully all the weight will be gone. It's just hard right now. I just look at JLo and think I can do it too right? She had twins. And I am sure I will be able to afford a super expensive trainer too:) Ok maybe not, but I know I can do it. I am feeling ok. I have a hard time breathing if I am reclined at all and I am super sore in the pelvic area, but other than that it's not too bad. It is going to get a lot worse here pretty soon so I don't want to complain too much. This too shall pass right? I keep thinking it's better to have one hard pregnancy than two pregnancies. I really do feel that way. I just don't love being pregnant. Love the reward though. And luckily I am not pushing out a 14 pound baby, just two smaller ones. Luckily they are both head down, so hopefully they have made their choice and are going to stay there. Now if you could just not see me the entire month of July because I will be in hiding. Just kidding...... kind of.... not really.


Jena said...

I think you look great! It is all baby! I only have one baby cooking and my butt sticks out as far as my belly! You are doing great, can't wait to see those babies :)

Justin and Sara Smutz said...

You look awesome Kristen! Listen to the Mom voice:) I am not a fan of being pregnant either, but the little ones are more than worth it!You know how to get into kick butt shape when the time comes.....I've seen you in action:) I'm only 20 weeks and am already craving some crazy workouts - we'll get together after the babies. Keep up the good work!

Emily said...

LOVE IT ALL!!!! I just cant NOT wait to see these ladies!!! And sorry, but you've got nothin on Kate!!! SHE WAS HUGE!! You are just beautiful :) I know you love hearing that!!! You can't hide from me!

Danalin said...

I love this picture! You look so, so great, Kristen. And so glad the babes are doing well. I am so excited for you guys and cannot wait to see these little women. You are going to be the best mom of twins...and Mel too, of course. :) Love you lots.

kim cherry said...

you look so beautiful kristen! i can't believe you are almost to term. it's ALL baby! i can't wait to see those cuties.

Linde said...

You look GREAT!!! I am so excited for you.

Rich'n'Rach said...

those two voices are driving me crazy & i'm not even half way! you're so stinking cute...i'll be thinking of you & j. lo haha

Keri said...

You do look great! I made it to 39 weeks and never dilated, so you never know. (Not able to avoid the massive stretch marks, though. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.) I'm so impressed that you're taking care of a little one too. Way to go!