We did the Wasatch Back again this year, and it didn't disappoint. A Ragnar is a two day relay race. You have twelve people on your team divided between two vans. Each person runs three times, and has different lengths and difficulty levels. The Wasatch Back is in Utah, and runs from Logan to Park City. The mountains are gorgeous! Which also means it's stinkin hard!! I didn't get hardly any pictures of the scenery or pictures that capture some of the crazy hard mountains people ran. It is one of those things, that when you are running you think, why on earth am I doing this? But then after each run you feel amazing. And it's so fun because you have a whole team behind you.
I felt good about how I did. My knee and calf were hurting ridiculously bad by my third run, but I made it. I averaged about a 7 minute mile on all my runs, which is pretty much what I was hoping for. We took 8th in our division (which is men and women teams) and 31st overall out of 1400 teams. Basically we rocked it!
My awesome sister-in-law Dana and I at the start. Before the craziness began. |
Drew was runner number 1, so he had to start us off. He's on the far left. Don't worry he took them all down. Except for "Shirtless Wonder," he was pretty fast:) |
Ty cheering Drew on! |
Each team decorates their vans with their team name. Some people are so creative. We had some disagreements on the name, so it doesn't really make sense to anyone but us. |
Dana and Laura (My sisters-in-law) |
Getting ready for my night run with all my gear. |